General knowledge of Pardubice Region the state/province of Czech Republic

Mostly asked questions about the province Pardubice Region

What is the country of Pardubice Region ?

What is the country code ISO2 of Pardubice Region ?

How many cities are in the state Pardubice Region ?

What are geo coordinates of each city in Pardubice Region ?

What are the name of cities of Pardubice Region ?

Best infopoint's world database gives the answers of all questions which are asked above related to Pardubice Region

First question is about the country which is Czech Republic and CZ is its ISO2 also known as country code. Third question is about the cities of Pardubice Region there is only 75 cities in this state. Following is the list of each city in Pardubice Region by their geo coordinates/latitude and longitude.

State/Province Name Pardubice Region
Country Name flag of CZ Czech Republic
Country Code CZ
Total States of Czech Republic 107
Total Cities of State 75

All Cities of Pardubice Region

City No. City Name Latitude Longitude
1 Ústí nad Orlicí 49.97387000 16.39361000
2 Žamberk 50.08601000 16.46738000
3 Červená Voda 50.04029000 16.74268000
4 Česká Třebová 49.90436000 16.44413000
5 Řečany nad Labem 50.03589000 15.47735000
6 Býšť 50.13243000 15.91116000
7 Březová nad Svitavou 49.64418000 16.51799000
8 Brandýs nad Orlicí 50.00194000 16.28528000
9 Brněnec 49.62735000 16.52202000
10 Bystřec 50.01168000 16.61900000
11 Bystré 49.62846000 16.34679000
12 Choceň 50.00161000 16.22303000
13 Chrast 49.90205000 15.93396000
14 Chroustovice 49.95553000 15.99143000
15 Chrudim 49.95109000 15.79558000
16 Chvaletice 50.03443000 15.41846000
17 Dašice 50.02844000 15.91244000
18 Dlouhá Třebová 49.94040000 16.42329000
19 Dolní Újezd 49.82562000 16.25461000
20 Dolní Čermná 49.97954000 16.56475000
21 Dolní Dobrouč 49.99273000 16.49766000
22 Dolní Roveň 50.02927000 15.96774000
23 Dolní Sloupnice 49.92721000 16.29401000
24 Heřmanův Městec 49.94707000 15.66492000
25 Hlinsko 49.76213000 15.90756000
26 Holice 50.06601000 15.98590000
27 Horní Čermná 49.97053000 16.60772000
28 Horní Jelení 50.04901000 16.08396000
29 Horní Sloupnice 49.92138000 16.33948000
30 Hradec nad Svitavou 49.71143000 16.48058000
31 Hrochův Týnec 49.95946000 15.91054000
32 Jablonné nad Orlicí 50.02964000 16.60059000
33 Jaroměřice 49.62556000 16.75185000
34 Jedlová 49.66100000 16.30608000
35 Jevíčko 49.63220000 16.71125000
36 Králíky 50.08384000 16.76054000
37 Krouna 49.77240000 16.02674000
38 Kunčina 49.79455000 16.62763000
39 Kunvald 50.12927000 16.49996000
40 Lanškroun 49.91217000 16.61190000
41 Lázně Bohdaneč 50.07560000 15.67978000
42 Letohrad 50.03580000 16.49879000
43 Litomyšl 49.86809000 16.31298000
44 Luže 49.89341000 16.02850000
45 Lukavice 50.06029000 16.48207000
46 Městečko Trnávka 49.70926000 16.72744000
47 Miřetice 49.84126000 15.88472000
48 Moravany 50.00095000 15.94071000
49 Moravská Třebová 49.75793000 16.66426000
50 Nasavrky 49.84450000 15.80461000
51 Okres Ústí nad Orlicí 50.00000000 16.53333000
52 Okres Chrudim 49.83333000 15.83333000
53 Okres Pardubice 50.08333000 15.75000000
54 Okres Svitavy 49.73333000 16.50000000
55 Opatov 49.82500000 16.50458000
56 Opatovice nad Labem 50.14541000 15.79045000
57 Osík 49.84355000 16.28467000
58 Pardubice 50.04075000 15.77659000
59 Přelouč 50.03985000 15.56031000
60 Polička 49.71465000 16.26543000
61 Pomezí 49.71026000 16.31729000
62 Prachovice 49.89379000 15.62872000
63 Proseč 49.80590000 16.11621000
64 Radiměř 49.69850000 16.44070000
65 Ronov nad Doubravou 49.88825000 15.53144000
66 Rosice 49.92226000 15.95127000
67 Rybitví 50.06015000 15.70472000
68 Seč 49.84694000 15.65643000
69 Sezemice 50.06651000 15.85270000
70 Skuteč 49.84347000 15.99655000
71 Slatiňany 49.92110000 15.81377000
72 Staré Hradiště 50.06540000 15.77885000
73 Svitavy 49.75594000 16.46829000
74 Třemošnice 49.86912000 15.58002000
75 Vysoké Mýto 49.95320000 16.16169000